IN this article we will taking how to succeed in network marketing
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Now that you know what network marketing is and what it isn’t, let’s talk about how to be successful in your business. Every year in late January or early February, there is a really big football game that a lot of people watch. During this game advertisers spend millions of dollars, for a 30-second slice of air time. I don’t know about you but I don’t have millions lying around to advertise my own network marketing opportunity. However, there are many ways to advertise your network marketing opportunity that doesn’t cost millions of dollars.
Let’s look at some of the ways you could advertise your opportunity:
Social Media and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Blogs - Webinars - Team Building Websites like
Social Media may seem like an obvious choice for marketing your opportunity. Sure, you know about Twitter and Facebook. However, did you know there are over 50 different websites that could be considered a social network site? What if there was a way to post content to 10, 20 or even 50 social networks at once? There is. will allow you to post your content to 50 social networks through one easy platform. That’s huge! Why? Three words: Search Engine Optimization.
For those who don’t know what that is, and how it may affect you, let me explain. When you post something on a social media site, many search engines will rank that post higher than other content on the same subject, (Note: This is a very simplified version of a very long discussion). Also, consider this: freshness counts. Would you go out and buy fruit that had been sitting on the shelf for two months? Probably not. Search engines can be the same way. They see content that is 2 days old and other content that is 2 months old, guess which gets the higher ranking? (See number 58) Keep in mind, most of the time, SEO is not an exact science.
Blogs are another great tool to build your network marketing opportunity. However, it takes work to build a blog, with one of the most important factors being regularly updated quality content. We can take the same analogy from the social media section of this post and apply it here. Content that is old might not rank very well in the search engines, unless it has a ton of backlinks. There are ways around this though. For one, consider automating your posts. Many software packages have the ability to schedule posts, and have them go ‘live’ on your site at the date and time of your choosing. One other option might be to purchase content to go on your site.
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Another tip for building your network marketing business is webinars. A webinar is a great way to share your message with a large group of people at one time. You could hold a webinar each week with continually updated content, which would keep people coming back for more if your content is valuable. How then might you capitalize on these webinars? By holding webinars, people know that you are serious about your business. Your audience will know they can come to you when they have questions, which will build trust and may give them a higher comfort level when deciding to join you in your venture.
Ultimately people will gravitate towards you for your “uniqueness” and if they feel they will get something more with you. You want to give people a reason to choose you over any other representative.
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